We are proud of our efforts but we are even more proud of our supporters. Our supporters have put their trust in us, given us their hard earned money to support a cause without any hesitation. We could not have been successful without the support of Patrons like these…

Abhay Rao
There are many persons who are eager and willing to support a good cause, but hesitate to do so because they don’t know what happens to the money they donate. With Sneha Karma, I don’t have to worry about this.
If things are going bad with the world today, it is because , we , the inhabitants of this planet have abused our most valuable assets i.e. Girl child, environment, health, education and culture. And the lack is even more obvious in the remote corners , like the far-east of India.
I am obliged to Sneha Karma for giving me the opportunity to be of service. Their contribution is not a one off event. They are creating a strong foundation for countless young children by making them independent and capable. God Bless them.

Jalpa Naik
What is the point of life/of living, if we can’t reach out to try and make a difference in someone else’s life. Children shouldn’t have to suffer yet there are so many children out there who have no family, no home, no food, no clothes and/or no education. They have no voice and silently suffer!
We need to do whatever we can to help them, bring them up, educate them and empower them so they can come out of poverty and build a better life for themselves and future generations to come. That’s why I donate to Sneha Karma, because of their efforts in trying to help children, especially girls who seem to be the most neglected. Every contribution, every effort no matter how small we feel it may be, makes a big difference to someone else who has nothing.
Like Mother Theresa says “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. If you can’t feed a hundred people then feed just one.

Srinath UnniKrishnan
Sneha Karma has taken up a commendable goal of nurturing and educating girls in a location which is not served by civic amenities in the the jungles of Assam in India.
World over, especially in the developing nations, its the womenfolk who are disadvantaged and the cause of education helps them to be independent.
I am happy to contribute and be associated with the Sneha Karma organization which keeps donors like me updated on the progress which the wards have made in their education and employment as well as the positive impact on the immediate society in general.
This is a wonderful organization and I would highly recommend contribution towards this in the interest of female empowerment.